Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Learning Goals

Secure a nurturing learning environment for students and a pleasant productive experience for educators.

Systematic system for Active Learning through Role Wall Learning with Total Immersion theory.
Each morning, as students come to morning classes they are exposed to the role play visuals. Conversation can begin to create recall. Familiarity will enhance memory and decrease the need for instructional class time. Therefore, creating a less stressful environment for students and faculty.

Expected Outcome
Effective learning with proved theories
Increase student ratio
Creating a productive work environment for educators that will decrease burnout and increase productivity.

Thank you for the class materials of books and other resources. As previously mentioned in my e-mail in March, the reading resource center will allow students, parents and staff materials. We now are able to incorporate the materials Mr.Park provided.

New, the reading resource room. Students can select a book for reading and receive credit toward their reading chart reward.
New, Teacher Resource Room and Thera-Play Room. Review and research material for class creating lesson plans and conducting evaluations for troubled students and staff.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Celebrating the Week of the Young Child April 10-16.

Pam and Buffy's "Learning through Literacy" will begin with four live
musical performances at Tallatoona, located at 122 Grady Road, Rockmart,
GA 30153 on April 10, 2011 beginning at 8:30 AM.

Celebrating 20 years of providing positive lessons through TV and live
performances, a proud Polk County native remembers beginning Head Start
in Rockmart, not knowing her ABC'S. "I was lost and sad," said Pamela

Having recently returned from teaching in South Korea, her heart's
desire is to invoke the same burning desire to learn in Georgia as she
saw there, where each morning the students would run in, excited and
ready to read and sing. Shall we begin?